Other cancers
这是一个重要的领域,但过去几乎没有取得任何进展。 在ESMO 2021上,Peters教授介绍了纳武单抗加伊匹单抗相比于化疗的随机化CheckMate-743试验的最新结果[1]。PD-L1阳性或非上皮样间皮瘤患者的总生存期获益显著,在总人群中也有OS获益。在瑞士,纳武单抗/伊匹单抗组合现已被批准用于治疗PD-L1阳性或非上皮样间皮瘤。
徐々に進展する中皮腫および胸腺腫の 治療管理法
切除できない悪性胸膜中皮腫への画期的な治療法の中では、どれが一番期待できるとお考えですか。 大変重要性の高い分野ですが、これまでに大きな進展は見られていません。そんな中、ランダム化比較試験のCheckMate-743試験でニボルマブとイピリムマブの併用療法を化学療法 と比較した最新成績を、Peters教授らがESMO 2021で発表しています。
Established and novel chemo-free combinations in immuno-oncology
Immunotherapy was the major breakthrough in the treatment of lung cancer in the past years. The PD-1 inhibitor pembrolizumab is approved for the treatment of various tumor entities including advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (a/mNSCLC). Lenvatinib, a multikinase inhibitor and antineoplastic agent that is so far approved for certain solid tumors but not NSCLC, already showed promising antitumoral effects and a manageable safety profile when combined with pembrolizumab in a phase I/II trial.
Immune checkpoint blockade combined with chemotherapy in solid tumors
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a severe disease with poor outcomes since the majority of patients present with stage IV disease at diagnosis. Approved treatment options in the first-line setting of advanced NSCLC (aNSCLC) with wildtype EGFR/ALK include bevacizumab - a VEGF targeting monoclonal antibody - and PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors in combination with chemotherapy.
Gradual progress in the management of mesothelioma and thymoma
This is an important field where little progress has been made in the past. At ESMO 2021, updated results of the randomized CheckMate-743 trial of nivolumab plus ipilimumab versus chemotherapy were presented by Prof. Peters. The overall survival benefit was pronounced in patients with PD-L1–positive or non-epithelioid mesotheliomas, although there was an OS benefit in the total population.