EHA congress 20212025-01-28T17:17:41+01:00


Lecture Board: Othman Al-Sawaf, MD; Stephen M. Ansell, MD; PhD Jorge Castillo, MD; Chan Cheah, MBBS; Jeff Sharman, MD
Medical Writer: Judith Moser, MD
Publishing Editor: Anna Fenzl, PhD


All downlaods from ASCO/EHA/ICML 2021

ASCO/EHA/ICML 2021 download

Slide Kit Recent developments in the treatment of B-cell malignancies


Full report (english)


All video interviews from ASCO/EHA/ICML 2021

Alvaro Alencar discusses which first-line treatment options might soon be established for newly diagnosed patients with mantle cell lymphoma who are not eligible for intensive therapy, what can be expected in terms of innovative approaches in the setting of R/R mantle cell lymphoma or marginal zone lymphoma and highlights the need for robust prognostic tools allowing stratification of treatment modalities.

Matthew Davids depicts the most interesting trial results in the field of CLL treatment at the EHA 2021 congress, gives an outlook on the most promising agents currently tested for use not only in elderly but also in young, fit CLL patients and talks about combinations that might be implemented as pillars of CLL treatment based on current trials.

Wojciech Jurczak gives an overview of the advantages of new BTK inhibitors, the results of the ALPINE trial comparing zanubrutinib with ibrutinib in patients with relapsed/refractory CLL/SLL and talks about which new developments can be expected in the field of innovative BTK inhibitors in the treatment of CLL and other indications.

Carol Moreno highlights the CLL study results from EHA and ICML, enlarges on fixed-duration regimens in CLL treatment, the importance of long-term follow-up findings obtained in important trials such as CLL14 and ELEVATE-TN as well as data from the ALPINE and ELEVATE-RR studies and shares her thoughts on the role of new agents such as zanubrutinib in the overall treatment landscape.

Anthony Mato talks about the study highlights presented at EHA and ICML, innovative treatment approaches currently tested for use in CLL that appear most promising and explains how the prognosis of CLL patients might change due to new therapies in the years to come and summarizes potential strategies to prevent and overcome resistance to targeted therapies.

Christian Buske relates to recent developments with respect to the role of BTK inhibitors and their potential future combination partners in the treatment of patients with Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, the results of the iNNOVATE study and personalized treatment according to genotypes.

Roger Owen summarizes the status of emerging therapeutic agents for the treatment of patients with Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, highlights those that appear most promising, even after failing BTK inhibitors, talks about how to guide treatment decisions, the influence of the mutation profile and expectations of BTK inhibitors in patients with relapsed and refractory marginal zone lymphoma.

Like its predecessors conducted onsite, the EHA25 Virtual Congress offered original unpublished scientific hematology data, hematological innovations, and evidence-based knowledge of primary clinical relevance.
This memo inHaematology publication summarizes content presented on the topics of B cell malignancies, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, and cold agglutinin disease.

Constantine Tam • MB • BS (Hons) • MD • FRACP • FRCPA, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Royal Melbourne Hospital, and University of Melbourne Melbourne, Australia
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