EHA 2020
Lecture Board: Othman Al-Sawaf, MD; Shirley D’Sa, MD; Heinz Ludwig, MD; Rory McCulloch, MD; Alexander Röth, MD, PhD; Constantine Tam, MD
Medical Writer: Judith Moser, MD
Publishing Editor: Anna Fenzl, PhD
Preface – EHA 2020
Due to the circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 25th European Hematology Association (EHA) Annual Congress had to take place as a virtual edition, although this raised new possibilities such as a 10-day program.
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia: BTK inhibition and other treatments
Within the group of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia (WM), an indolent B-cell lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, accounts for approximately 2 % of cases. This disease is deemed incurable and typically involves infiltration of tissues such as bone marrow, lymph nodes and/or spleen with clonal lymphoplasmacytic cells, as well as serum monoclonal paraprotein production.
Optimizing timing, efficacy and tolerability in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
In both treatment-naïve and relapsed/refractory patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and small lymphocytic leukemia (SLL), inhibition of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) represents a treatment standard as it has improved clinical outcomes. Compared to the first-generation agent ibrutinib, the second-generation, highly selective BTK inhibitor acalabrutinib shows minimal off-target kinase inhibition, thus potentially offering an optimized safety profile.
Changing paradigms in the management of mantle cell lymphoma
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a rare, heterogenous and generally aggressive subtype of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma that remains incurable in the majority of cases. Median survival in non-trial patients has been estimated at 3 to 5 years. First-line therapy usually consists of chemoimmunotherapy, while both immunochemotherapy and targeted agents are recommended in relapsed disease.
Targeted approaches in various B-cell malignancies
BTK inhibitors are active in many B-cell malignancies such as mantle cell lymphoma, CLL and Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, but also in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), follicular lymphoma (FL), and marginal zone lymphoma (MZL). Zanubrutinib is currently being assessed in pivotal phase II and III studies in all of these indications.
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria: improving outcomes with novel strategies
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare, potentially life-threatening clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorder characterized by hemolytic anemia, bone marrow failure, thrombosis, and peripheral blood cytopenia. The disease results from an acquired loss-of-function mutation of the PIGA gene involved in the synthesis of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored complement inhibitors CD55 and CD59.
Cold agglutinin disease: on the road to new insights and potential treatment options
Cold agglutinin disease (CAD) is a rare type of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) elicited by cold-sensitive antibodies including cold agglutinins. Ninety percent of cold agglutinins belong to the IgM kappa category and bind to red blood cell surface antigens at temperatures of ≤ 37 °C, thus inducing hemolysis.
Patient and disease characteristics in a small CAD cohort
A retrospective analysis hints at the wide range of cold agglutinin disease (CAD) clinical behavior. Koudouna et al. investigated the characteristics of 8 patients with CAD at the time of diagnosis [1]. Median age was 62 years, and 5 patients were women. Hematologic malignancies constituted 50 % of underlying medical conditions; in 37 %, hepatitis B/C was the associated disease, and in 13 %, autoimmune disorders.
Paroxysmale nächtliche Hämoglobinurie: verbesserte Ergebnisse durch neuartige Strategien
Die paroxysmale nächtliche Hämoglobinurie (PNH) ist eine seltene, potenziell lebensbedrohliche klonale Erkrankung der hämatopoetischen Stammzellen, welche durch hämolytische Anämie, Knochenmarksversagen, Thrombose und periphere Zytopenie gekennzeichnet ist.
Kälteagglutininkrankheit: auf dem Weg zu neuen Einblicken und potenziellen Therapieoptionen
Die Kälteagglutininkrankheit (cold agglutinin disease; CAD) ist eine seltene Form der autoimmunhämolytischen Anämie (AIHA), die durch Kälteantikörper einschließlich Kälteagglutininen ausgelöst wird. 90% der Kälteagglutinine gehören zum Typ IgM kappa und binden bei ≤ 37 °C an Erythrozytenoberflächenantigene, wodurch eine Hämolyse induziert wird.
Patienten- und Krankheitscharakteristika in einer kleinen CAD-Kohorte
Eine retrospektive Analyse weist auf die große Vielfalt in Bezug auf das klinische Verhalten der CAD hin. Koudouna et al. untersuchten die Merkmale von 8 CAD-Patienten zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose. Das mediane Alter betrug 62 Jahre, und 5 Patienten waren weiblich. Maligne hämatologische Erkrankungen machten 50% der zugrundeliegenden Erkrankungen aus; bei 37% war Hepatitis B/C die assoziierte Krankheit und bei 13% Autoimmunerkrankungen.
Hémoglobinurie paroxystique nocturne: améliorer les résultats grâce à de nouvelles stratégies
L’hémoglobinurie paroxystique nocturne (HPN) est une maladie clonale rare et potentiellement mortelle des cellules souches hématopoïétiques; elle est caractérisée par une anémie hémolytique, une insuffisance médullaire, des thromboses et une cytopénie du sang périphérique. Cette maladie provient d’une mutation acquise causant une perte fonctionnelle du gène PIGA impliqué dans la synthèse des protéines CD59 et CD55, molécules d’ancrage du glycophophatidylinositol qui inhibent le complément.
Maladie des agglutinines froides: vers de nouveaux acquis et de nouvelles options thérapeutiques possibles
La maladie des agglutinines froides (MAF) est un type rare d’anémie hémolytique auto-immune (AHAI) dû à des anticorps sensibles au froid tels que les agglutinines froides. 90 % des agglutinines froides sont de type IgM kappa; elles se fixent aux antigènes de surface des globules rouges à des températures ≤37 °C et induisent ainsi une hémolyse.
Caractéristiques des patients et de la maladie dans une petite cohorte atteinte de la MAF
Une analyse rétrospective évoque le large éventail de manifestations cliniques de la maladie des agglutinines froides (MAF). Koudouna et al. ont examiné chez 8 patients atteints de la MAF quelles étaient les caractéristiques lors du diagnostic. L‘âge médian était de 62 ans et 5 des 8 patients étaient des femmes.
All video interviews from EHA 2020
Shirley D’Sa talks about promising new agents/regimens in the treatment of Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia with respect to efficacy and safety, next-generation BTK inhibitors and recent developments in the management of cold agglutinin disease.
Constantine Tam depicts the most interesting trial results in the field of CLL treatment at the EHA congress and gives an outlook on future treatment options for CLL and mantle cell lymphoma.
Veronique Leblond highlights relevant factors for the selection of treatment in newly diagnosed and relapsed Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, the connection of BTK inhibitors and MYD88 or CXCR4 mutations and discusses the risk-benefit profile of these drugs.
Peter Hillmen gives an overview of the most relevant treatment strategies in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and further explains the advantages of proximal over terminal complement inhibition.
Like its predecessors conducted onsite, the EHA25 Virtual Congress offered original unpublished scientific hematology data, hematological innovations, and evidence-based knowledge of primary clinical relevance.
This memo inHaematology publication summarizes content presented on the topics of B cell malignancies, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, and cold agglutinin disease.