WCLC 2017 – Yokohama
Lecture Board: John Edwards, MB,ChB,PhD; Maximilian Hochmair, MD
Medical Writer: Dr. Judith Moser
Preface – WCLC 2017
Throughout the last decades, the treatment of non–small-cell lung cancer has undergone enormous advancements that make keeping up with the latest developments a challenge for physicians. For purposes of providing continual education to health care professionals involved in lung cancer care, the World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC) of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) is now being held annually.
What is new in surgery? Redefining current options
In 2005, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Staging Committee proposed the definition of complete resection of lung cancer, which included the criteria of uncertain resection. Uncertain resection was defined by the criteria detailed in the Table. On behalf of the IA-SLC Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee, Edwards et al. conducted a retrospective analysis of the resection margin status using the data of 14,712 patients obtained from the 8th Edition Database who underwent NSCLC surgery.
EGFR TKI therapy in specific populations and settings
The first-generation EGFR TKIs erlotinib and gefitinib as well as the second-generation EGFR TKI afatinib have become the standard first-line treatment options for advanced EGFR-mutation–positive NSCLC. All three drugs improved PFS and objective response rate (ORR) compared to chemotherapy in phase III studies. Afatinib induced prolongation of OS versus chemotherapy in patients with deletion 19 in the LUX-Lung 3 and 6 phase III studies.
“We are making steady progress toward better lung cancer control”
In a way, synergy is another expression for the multidisciplinary team approach, but the term ,multidisciplinary’ is not necessarily restricted to medical doctors. It also includes nursing staff and others such as the supportive care team, including the rehabilitation team and patient advocates. At the same time, the bottom line of that concept is having the patient at the centre of the overall care plan.
Taking anti-EGFR drug treatment further: later lines
Acquired resistance usually follows first-line EGFR TKI therapy, with the gatekeeper T790M mutation being the most common mechanism. The third-generation irreversible EGFR TKI osimertinib has been licensed for the treatment of patients whose tumours have been shown to carry this mutation. Retrospective data presented by Tan et al. demonstrated the activity of later-line osimertinib in 52 patients who participated in an early access program in Singapore.
Immunotherapy: novel biomarkers on the horizon & news from pivotal trials
Only limited treatment options are available for patients with recurrent small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). The CheckMate 032 trial evaluated the anti-PD-1 antibody nivolumab with or without the anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab in a PD-L1–unselected cohort of SCLC patients who had received at least one prior platinum-based chemotherapy regimen.
Approaching squamous-cell carcinoma in a targeted manner
The EGFR mutation status is not routinely examined in NSCLC patients with squamous cell cancer (SCC) histology due to the low incidence of EGFR mutations in these tumours and poor clinical response to first-generation EGFR TKI treatment. Taniguchi et al. retrospectively reviewed 441 consecutive patients in 23 of whom the EGFR mutation status was assessed, in order to explore the clinical features of SCC with sensitive EGFR mutation, and to select the optimal indications for afatinib treatment.
Malignant mesothelioma: recent data on nintedanib and checkpoint inhibitors
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive tumour that, if left untreated, shows a median survival of 7–9 months. The front-line standard treatment for patients with unresectable MPM consists of combination doublet therapy with cisplatin and pemetrexed, which yields a median OS of approximately 1 year.
Chemotherapy: new approaches, new settings
Current guidelines recommend postoperative platinum-based chemotherapy in completely resected NSCLC with nodal involvement (stage II-IIIA). However, survival outcomes remain limited, and compliance is lower than for adjuvant therapy in other neoplasms. There are no direct comparisons between different chemotherapy regimens.
Survival is the result of lung cancer screening
During Lung Cancer Awareness Month (LCAM) in November, memo inOncology spoke with Dr. Fred Hirsch, who is CEO of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver, USA. The Lung Cancer Awareness Month Coali-tion (LCAMC) is a group of more than 20 global non-profit organisations focused on improving outcomes for patients with thoracic cancers, led by the IASLC.
特定人群和治疗条件下的EGFR TKI疗法
第一代EGFR TKI厄洛替尼(erlotinib)和吉非替尼(gefitinib)以及第二代EGFR TKI阿法替尼(afatinib)已成为晚期EGFR突变阳性NSCLC的标准一线治疗选择。在III期研究中,所有三种药物与化疗相比均改善了PFS和客观缓解率(ORR)。在III期LUX-Lung 3和6研究中,阿法替尼相比化疗在具有19缺失的患者中诱导了OS延长。
获得性耐药通常伴随着一线EGFR TKI疗法,而门控T790M突变是最常见的机制。第三代不可逆EGFR TKI 奥希替尼已被许可用于治疗已证实其肿瘤携带这种突变的患者。Tan等人提供的回顾性数据显示出多线奥希替尼在52名患者中的活性,这52名患者在新加坡参与了早期使用项目。
复发性小细胞肺癌(SCLC)患者仅具有有限的治疗选择。CheckMate 032试验在接受过至少一种先前铂类化疗方案的SCLC患者的PD-L1未选择队列中评估了伴或不伴抗CTLA-4抗体易普利姆玛(ipilimumab)的抗PD-1抗体纳武单抗(nivolumab)。
在具有鳞状细胞癌(SCC)组织学亚型的NSCLC患者中不对EGFR突变状态进行常规检查,这是由于EGFR突变在这些肿瘤患者中的发生率较低并且对第一代EGFR TKI治疗的临床应答较差。
在11月的肺癌宣传月(LCAM)期间,《memo inOncology》杂志相关负责人与国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)CEO以及美国丹佛科罗拉多大学医学院教授Fred Hirsch博士进行了对话。肺癌宣传月联盟(LCAMC)是由20多个全球性非营利组织构成的团体,由IASLC领导,致力于改善胸部癌症患者的结局。
手術の最新情報 現在のオプションの再定義
特定の集団と条件でのEGFR TKI治療
第1世代EGFR TKIのエルロチニブとゲフィチニブのほか、第2世代EGFR TKIのアファチニブも、進行EGFR変異陽性NSCLCに対する標準一次治療オプションになった。第III相臨床試験において、3つの薬剤すべてが化学療法と比較してPFSと客観的奏効率(ORR)を改善した。
今年のWCLCのモットーは「肺癌を制圧する相乗効果」です。肺癌患者に最適な治療を行うために、どのような種類の相乗効果が必要とされるのでしょうか? ある意味では、相乗効果は集学的チームアプローチの別の言い方ですが、この用語「集学的」は必ずしも医師に限定するものではありません。
一般に獲得抵抗性は一次EGFR TKI療法の続に生じ、その最も一般的な機序はゲートキーパーT790M変異である。第3世代の不可逆性EGFR TKIであるオシメルチニブが、この変異を保有する腫瘍がある患者の治療に認可されている。
再発小細胞肺癌(SCLC)の患者については、使用できる治療選択肢が限られている。CheckMate 032試験では、1回以上のプラチナベースの化学療法レジメンによる治療を事前に受けたSCLC患者のPD-L1非選別コホートで抗CTLA-4抗体イピリムマブとの併用または併用なしで抗PD-1抗体ニボルマブを評価した。
EGFR変異状況は、扁平上皮癌(SCC)組織構造を持つNSCLC患者においては日常的な検査の対象ではない。。これは、このような腫瘍ではEGFR変異の発現率が低く、第1世代EGFR TKI治療に対する臨床的反応が芳しくないためである。
11月の肺癌啓発月間(LCAM)中、メモ-イン・オンコロジーは、国際肺癌学会(IASLC)のCEOで、米国コロラド州、コロラド大学薬科大学院教授のFred Hirsch医師のお話しを伺いました。肺癌啓発月間連合(LCAMC)は、IASLCが率いる、胸部癌患者の転帰改善に焦点を合わせた20以上の世界的非営利団体から成るグループです。
All video interviews from WCLC 2017
David Gandara discusses the latest progress in EGFR, ALK, and checkpoint inhibitor therapies for NSCLC.
Keunchil Park discusses how lung cancer treatments have developed since the advent of chemotherapy, and how best to deliver optimal care to lung cancer patients worldwide, and specifically in South Korea and Japan.
Ramaswamy Govindan discusses the importance of chemotherapy in today’s treatment landscape, and the importance of ethnic genomic differences in mutation rates in lung cancer.
Paul A. Bunn discusses current and future treatment options in lung cancer.
Clinical trials conducted in Asia have contributed considerably to the development of targeted therapies, such as EGFR or ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and immunotherapies, but also to the implementation of cytotoxic drugs. Particularly in lung cancer, Eastern Asia has evolved into a stronghold of cancer research over the previous years.