ESMO 2019 – Barcelona
Lecture Board: Maximilian Hochmair, MD; Stephen Liu, MD; Michaël Duruisseaux, MD, PhD
Medical Writer: Judith Moser, MD
Preface – ESMO Lung Cancer 2019
The struggle against the devastating consequences of lung cancer is ongoing at many levels and appears to have reached important milestones, including effective combinations of novel drug classes and the targeting of an increasing number of driver aberrations. Immunotherapy was again a major aspect at this year’s annual congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) that took place at Barcelona, Spain, from 27th September to 1st October.
Checkpoint inhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer: expanding the range of options
The randomized phase III IMpower110 trial is evaluating the PD-L1 inhibitor atezolizumab as first-line treatment in patients with stage IV, PD-L1–positive non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) independent of tumor histology. Patients in the experimental arm are treated with atezolizumab until disease progression, while the platinum-based chemotherapy regimens administered in the control arm for 4 to 6 cycles depend on histology.
EGFR-positive tumors: the issue of optimal therapy across several lines
In patients with advanced, EGFR-positive NSCLC, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) represent the frontline treatment standard. Three generations of TKIs are widely available, but the ideal sequence is currently unknown. The phase III, double-blind, randomized FLAURA trial compared the third-generation EGFR TKI osimertinib with the first-generation agents gefitinib and erlotinib in the frontline setting.
Frontline combinations of EGFR- and angiogenesis-targeted agents
In patients with untreated EGFR-mutant tumors, it has been shown that the addition of the anti-VEGF antibody bevacizumab to first-generation EGFR TKIs induces PFS benefits with an acceptable toxicity profile. The open-label, randomized, multicenter, phase III ARTEMIS (CTONG 1509) study is the first phase III trial to test bevacizumab plus erlotinib in Chinese NSCLC patients.
Exploring synergy between anti-angiogenic drugs and immunotherapy
In the setting of non-squamous advanced NSCLC without actionable driver mutations, the advent of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy has led to the implementation of new standards. Synergistic effects can be expected from anti-angiogenic treatment. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to create an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment by modifying immune cell function besides promoting angiogenesis.
Innovations in the setting of rare mutations: ALK, ROS1, NTRK, NRG1
Oncogene-directed treatment requires molecular testing, but, as is known, limitations related to tissue collection and tissue-based testing can represent a serious obstacle in clinical practice. Blood-based next generation sequencing (NGS) has the potential to overcome some of these limitations.
CNS disease does not preclude successful treatment
Brain metastases occur in approximately 35 % of patients with metastatic NSCLC and are associated with a variety of neurological symptoms, as well as poor prognosis. However, little is known about the prognostic impact of the symptomatic burden of CNS lesions at the time of diagnosis. This was assessed by an analysis based on a real-life cohort of 1,608 NSCLC patients from the Vienna Brain Metastasis Registry with newly diagnosed brain metastases.
Even infrequent actionable drivers are important
NRG1 fusions are oncogenic events, i.e., transforming events that occur in all tumor types, although in fairly low frequencies. Their prevalence is less than 1 % throughout all tumor types. Some reports have estimated the NRG1 fusion prevalence at approximately 0.2 %. Although NRG1 fusions are not a common event, they represent an important actionable driver.
Emerging survival benefits in the small-cell setting
Given the dismal prognosis of patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC), there is a high need of effective first-line treatment options. The global, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase I/III IMpower133 study was the first trial to demonstrate survival benefits in ES-SCLC with the PD-L1 inhibitor atezolizumab plus carboplatin and etoposide compared to placebo plus chemotherapy.
肺癌带来的后果是毁灭性的,对此的 抗争也正在多个层面上进行,且似乎 已取得重大突破,包括新型药物类别 的有效组合以及对越来越多驱动畸变 的靶向。在9月27日至10月1日于西班 牙巴塞罗那举行的欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)年度 会上,免疫疗法再 次成为主要议题。同时,免疫检查点 抑制剂的活性已得到充分证明,尽管 无疑仅有一部分患者会从治疗获益。
在晚期EGFR阳性NSCLC患者中,EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)代表前线治疗标准。三代TKI均广泛可用,但理想的顺序目前未知。III期双盲随机化FLAURA试验在前线条件下比较了第三代EGFR TKI奥希替尼与第一代药物吉非替尼(gefitinib)和厄洛替尼(erlotinib)。在初步分析时显示奥希替尼带来的显著PFS获益(18.9与10.2个月;HR,0.46;p
在未经治疗的EGFR突变肿瘤患者中,已显示向第一代EGFR TKI添加抗VEGF抗体贝伐珠单抗(bevacizumab)会引起PFS获益,且具有可接受的毒性特征[1,2]。开放标签随机化多中心III期ARTEMIS(CTONG 1509)研究是在中国NSCLC患者中测试贝伐珠单抗加厄洛替尼的首项III期试验[3]。在中国的14个地点,共311名EGFR突变(即外显子19缺失或外显子21 L858R突变)晚期NSCLC患者接受贝伐珠单抗加厄洛替尼(n = 157)或厄洛替尼(n = 154)直至进展。
脑转移在约35 %的转移性NSCLC患者中有发生,并与多种神经症状以及不良预后相关[1]。然而,关于诊断时CNS病灶的症状负荷对预后的影响知之甚少。通过基于来自维也纳脑转移登记处的1608名具有新诊断的脑转移的NSCLC患者的现实队列的分析对此进行评估[2]。神经症状明显的情况占73.8 %。症状包括神经功能缺损(61.3 %)、颅内压升高迹象(30.3 %)、癫痫发作(13.6 %)和神经心理学症状(14.5 %)。
NRG1融合属于致癌事件,即在所有肿瘤类型中均有发生的转化事件,但发生频率相当低。在所有肿瘤类型中,它们的发生率均小于1 %。一些报道估计NRG1融合的发生率约为0.2 %[1]。尽管NRG1融合并非常见事件,但它们代表着重要的可操作驱动因子。在细胞水平上,NRG1融合伴侣为NRG1的EGF样结构域提供跨膜锚定。
鉴于广泛期小细胞肺癌(ES-SCLC)患者的不良预后,因此迫切需要有效的一线治疗选择。全球性双盲随机化安慰剂对照的I/III期IMpower133研究是证明PD-L1抑制剂阿特朱单抗加卡铂和依托泊苷(etoposide)相比于安慰剂加化疗在ES-SCLC中的生存获益的首项试验。两个治疗组的中位OS为12.3与10.3个月(HR,0.70;p = 0.007),伴有可耐受的安全性特征。
巻頭言 – 臨床医の皆様へ
EGFR遺伝子変異陽性進行NSCLC患者へのフロントライン治療には、EGFRチロシンキナーゼ阻害薬(TKI)を用いるのが一般的である。三世代のTKIが使用できるのでさまざまな選択肢があるが、どの順番で使用すればいいのか現段階では明らかになっていない。そこで、第Ⅲ相二重盲検ランダム化比較FLAURA試験で、第三世代のEGFR TKIのオシメルチニブを、第一世代のEGFR TKIのゲフィチニブとエルロチニブとフロントライン治療に用いて比較した。
EGFR TKIと血管新生阻害薬を併用するフロントライン治療
EGFR遺伝子変異陽性肺がんの治療を受けていない患者には、第一世代のEGFR TKIに抗VEGF抗体のベバシズマブを追加することでPFSが延長し、毒性プロファイルも許容可能なレベルであることが示された[1、2]。第Ⅲ相多施設共同非盲検ランダム化比較ARTEMIS (CTONG 1509)試験は、中国人のNSCLC 患者を対象にベバシズマブとエルロチニブの併用療法を調べた、初の第Ⅲ相試験である。
All videointerviews from ESMO 2018
Filippo de Braud explains what can be achieved with TRK inhibition in TRK-fusion-positive NSCLC, indirectly compares the performance of entrectinib to crizotinib in ROS1-positive disease and shares his opinion on the intracranial activity of entrectinib.
Michael Duruisseaux gives an overview on the role of NRG1 gene fusion in the tumorigenesis of lung cancer, the clinical experience with targeted treatment and the importance of molecular testing with respect to NRG1 fusions.
Stephen Liu on the latest insights in the field of ALK-targeted treatment in lung cancer, a recent update on the clinical evaluation of NRG1-directed therapies, as well as novel molecular targets for lung cancer treatment in the foreseeable future.
Ioannis Metaxas talks about the rationale for the evaluation of lurbinectedin in malignant pleural mesothelioma, the clinical results with lurbinectedin in patients with mesothelioma to date and other areas of lung cancer treatment in which lurbinectedin might prove useful in the future.
Immunotherapy improves outcomes when administered together with other therapies such as cytotoxic agents, but also appears to combine well with antiangiogenic drugs based on synergy at the tumor microenvironment level. These insights might fuel new therapeutic algorithms, particularly in patients without driver mutations.