ESMO 2019 – Barcelona
Lecture Board: Maximilian Hochmair, MD; Stephen Liu, MD; Michaël Duruisseaux, MD, PhD
Medical Writer: Dr. Judith Moser
Preface – ESMO Lung Cancer 2019
The struggle against the devastating consequences of lung cancer is ongoing at many levels and appears to have reached important milestones, including effective combinations of novel drug classes and the targeting of an increasing number of driver aberrations. Immunotherapy was again a major aspect at this year’s annual congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) that took place at Barcelona, Spain, from 27th September to 1st October.
Checkpoint inhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer: expanding the range of options
The randomized phase III IMpower110 trial is evaluating the PD-L1 inhibitor atezolizumab as first-line treatment in patients with stage IV, PD-L1–positive non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) independent of tumor histology. Patients in the experimental arm are treated with atezolizumab until disease progression, while the platinum-based chemotherapy regimens administered in the control arm for 4 to 6 cycles depend on histology.
EGFR-positive tumors: the issue of optimal therapy across several lines
In patients with advanced, EGFR-positive NSCLC, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) represent the frontline treatment standard. Three generations of TKIs are widely available, but the ideal sequence is currently unknown. The phase III, double-blind, randomized FLAURA trial compared the third-generation EGFR TKI osimertinib with the first-generation agents gefitinib and erlotinib in the frontline setting.
Frontline combinations of EGFR- and angiogenesis-targeted agents
In patients with untreated EGFR-mutant tumors, it has been shown that the addition of the anti-VEGF antibody bevacizumab to first-generation EGFR TKIs induces PFS benefits with an acceptable toxicity profile. The open-label, randomized, multicenter, phase III ARTEMIS (CTONG 1509) study is the first phase III trial to test bevacizumab plus erlotinib in Chinese NSCLC patients.
Exploring synergy between anti-angiogenic drugs and immunotherapy
In the setting of non-squamous advanced NSCLC without actionable driver mutations, the advent of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy has led to the implementation of new standards. Synergistic effects can be expected from anti-angiogenic treatment. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been shown to create an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment by modifying immune cell function besides promoting angiogenesis.
Innovations in the setting of rare mutations: ALK, ROS1, NTRK, NRG1
Oncogene-directed treatment requires molecular testing, but, as is known, limitations related to tissue collection and tissue-based testing can represent a serious obstacle in clinical practice. Blood-based next generation sequencing (NGS) has the potential to overcome some of these limitations.
CNS disease does not preclude successful treatment
Brain metastases occur in approximately 35 % of patients with metastatic NSCLC and are associated with a variety of neurological symptoms, as well as poor prognosis. However, little is known about the prognostic impact of the symptomatic burden of CNS lesions at the time of diagnosis. This was assessed by an analysis based on a real-life cohort of 1,608 NSCLC patients from the Vienna Brain Metastasis Registry with newly diagnosed brain metastases.
Even infrequent actionable drivers are important
NRG1 fusions are oncogenic events, i.e., transforming events that occur in all tumor types, although in fairly low frequencies. Their prevalence is less than 1 % throughout all tumor types. Some reports have estimated the NRG1 fusion prevalence at approximately 0.2 %. Although NRG1 fusions are not a common event, they represent an important actionable driver.
Emerging survival benefits in the small-cell setting
Given the dismal prognosis of patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC), there is a high need of effective first-line treatment options. The global, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase I/III IMpower133 study was the first trial to demonstrate survival benefits in ES-SCLC with the PD-L1 inhibitor atezolizumab plus carboplatin and etoposide compared to placebo plus chemotherapy.
肺癌带来的后果是毁灭性的,对此的 抗争也正在多个层面上进行,且似乎 已取得重大突破,包括新型药物类别 的有效组合以及对越来越多驱动畸变 的靶向。在9月27日至10月1日于西班 牙巴塞罗那举行的欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)年度 会上,免疫疗法再 次成为主要议题。同时,免疫检查点 抑制剂的活性已得到充分证明,尽管 无疑仅有一部分患者会从治疗获益。
在晚期EGFR阳性NSCLC患者中,EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)代表前线治疗标准。三代TKI均广泛可用,但理想的顺序目前未知。III期双盲随机化FLAURA试验在前线条件下比较了第三代EGFR TKI奥希替尼与第一代药物吉非替尼(gefitinib)和厄洛替尼(erlotinib)。在初步分析时显示奥希替尼带来的显著PFS获益(18.9与10.2个月;HR,0.46;p
在未经治疗的EGFR突变肿瘤患者中,已显示向第一代EGFR TKI添加抗VEGF抗体贝伐珠单抗(bevacizumab)会引起PFS获益,且具有可接受的毒性特征[1,2]。开放标签随机化多中心III期ARTEMIS(CTONG 1509)研究是在中国NSCLC患者中测试贝伐珠单抗加厄洛替尼的首项III期试验[3]。在中国的14个地点,共311名EGFR突变(即外显子19缺失或外显子21 L858R突变)晚期NSCLC患者接受贝伐珠单抗加厄洛替尼(n = 157)或厄洛替尼(n = 154)直至进展。
脑转移在约35 %的转移性NSCLC患者中有发生,并与多种神经症状以及不良预后相关[1]。然而,关于诊断时CNS病灶的症状负荷对预后的影响知之甚少。通过基于来自维也纳脑转移登记处的1608名具有新诊断的脑转移的NSCLC患者的现实队列的分析对此进行评估[2]。神经症状明显的情况占73.8 %。症状包括神经功能缺损(61.3 %)、颅内压升高迹象(30.3 %)、癫痫发作(13.6 %)和神经心理学症状(14.5 %)。
NRG1融合属于致癌事件,即在所有肿瘤类型中均有发生的转化事件,但发生频率相当低。在所有肿瘤类型中,它们的发生率均小于1 %。一些报道估计NRG1融合的发生率约为0.2 %[1]。尽管NRG1融合并非常见事件,但它们代表着重要的可操作驱动因子。在细胞水平上,NRG1融合伴侣为NRG1的EGF样结构域提供跨膜锚定。
鉴于广泛期小细胞肺癌(ES-SCLC)患者的不良预后,因此迫切需要有效的一线治疗选择。全球性双盲随机化安慰剂对照的I/III期IMpower133研究是证明PD-L1抑制剂阿特朱单抗加卡铂和依托泊苷(etoposide)相比于安慰剂加化疗在ES-SCLC中的生存获益的首项试验。两个治疗组的中位OS为12.3与10.3个月(HR,0.70;p = 0.007),伴有可耐受的安全性特征。
巻頭言 – 臨床医の皆様へ
EGFR遺伝子変異陽性進行NSCLC患者へのフロントライン治療には、EGFRチロシンキナーゼ阻害薬(TKI)を用いるのが一般的である。三世代のTKIが使用できるのでさまざまな選択肢があるが、どの順番で使用すればいいのか現段階では明らかになっていない。そこで、第Ⅲ相二重盲検ランダム化比較FLAURA試験で、第三世代のEGFR TKIのオシメルチニブを、第一世代のEGFR TKIのゲフィチニブとエルロチニブとフロントライン治療に用いて比較した。
EGFR TKIと血管新生阻害薬を併用するフロントライン治療
EGFR遺伝子変異陽性肺がんの治療を受けていない患者には、第一世代のEGFR TKIに抗VEGF抗体のベバシズマブを追加することでPFSが延長し、毒性プロファイルも許容可能なレベルであることが示された[1、2]。第Ⅲ相多施設共同非盲検ランダム化比較ARTEMIS (CTONG 1509)試験は、中国人のNSCLC 患者を対象にベバシズマブとエルロチニブの併用療法を調べた、初の第Ⅲ相試験である。
All video interviews from ESMO 2019
Filippo de Braud explains what can be achieved with TRK inhibition in TRK-fusion-positive NSCLC, indirectly compares the performance of entrectinib to crizotinib in ROS1-positive disease and shares his opinion on the intracranial activity of entrectinib.
Michael Duruisseaux gives an overview on the role of NRG1 gene fusion in the tumorigenesis of lung cancer, the clinical experience with targeted treatment and the importance of molecular testing with respect to NRG1 fusions.
Stephen Liu on the latest insights in the field of ALK-targeted treatment in lung cancer, a recent update on the clinical evaluation of NRG1-directed therapies, as well as novel molecular targets for lung cancer treatment in the foreseeable future.
Ioannis Metaxas talks about the rationale for the evaluation of lurbinectedin in malignant pleural mesothelioma, the clinical results with lurbinectedin in patients with mesothelioma to date and other areas of lung cancer treatment in which lurbinectedin might prove useful in the future.
Immunotherapy improves outcomes when administered together with other therapies such as cytotoxic agents, but also appears to combine well with antiangiogenic drugs based on synergy at the tumor microenvironment level. These insights might fuel new therapeutic algorithms, particularly in patients without driver mutations.
ESMO 2018 – Munich
Lecture Board: Maximilian Hochmair, MD; Enriqueta Felip, MD, PhD; Sanjay Popat, PhD, FRCP
Medical Writer: Dr. Judith Moser
Preface – ESMO 2018
The ESMO Congress represents the leading international oncology event in Europe. This year’s conference that took place from 19th to 23rd October in Munich, Germany, was held under the tagline “Securing access to optimal cancer care”. Approximately 25,000 participants including experts from various oncology disciplines, healthcare policy makers, and patient advocates convened from all over the world to discuss innovations and the major challenge of turning new insights into actual improvements in cancer patient care.
Checkpoint inhibition excels in all treatment lines
Patients with early and locally advanced (stage I-IIIA) non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) usually undergo surgery, but long-term outcomes leave much to be desired. After surgery alone, the recurrence rate is substantial at more than 50 %. Perioperative chemotherapy as a means to prevent disease recurrence only confers a 5 % improvement in 5-year survival compared to sole surgery.
EGFR-mutant lung cancer: what’s new with respect to activity and resistance?
In patients with stage IIIA-N2 NSCLC, current multimodal treatment options include definitive chemoradiotherapy, surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy, or neoadjuvant treatment followed by surgical resection. The standard first-line EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) erlotinib has already demonstrated feasibility in the neoadjuvant treatment setting of stage IIIA-N2 NSCLC.
Interview: Several reasons support sequencing of EGFR TKI treatment
The first-line EGFR TKI choice in patients with EGFR-mutated NSCLC has been under debate ever since the results of the FLAURA were reported. From the current point of view, what are the limitations of this study?
Potent treatment options in ALK– and MET-positive disease
The highly selective, CNS-active ALK inhibitor alectinib has demonstrated superiority over crizotinib in the first-line setting of ALK-positive NSCLC both in the global phase III ALEX study and the phase III J-ALEX trial, which was conducted in Japanese patients. Alectinib has been approved in the US and Europe and has recently received priority approval in China.
患有早期和局部晚期(I-IIIA期)非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的患者通常需要接受手术,但长期结果仍有待改善。单独手术后的复发率基本上超过 50 %。围手术期化疗是预防疾病复发的一种手段,与单独手术相比,其仅使5年生存率提高5 %。基于这些观察结果,抗PD-1疗法正在新辅助条件下进行测试,目的在于引发特定抗肿瘤应答并根除微转移。
专访:支持EGFR TKI治疗用药顺序的若干原因
有若干原因支持阿法替尼后奥希替尼的用药顺序。原因之一在于在第一代或第二代EGFR TKI发生进展时,耐药突变T790M的发生率高达60 %至75 %。对于已经发生T790M突变的患者,奥希替尼的益处是毫无疑问的。另一个原因在于有利的长期结果。在我们研究中心,常规先使用阿法替尼,随后使用奥希替尼,并且我们已经观察到许多患者得到巨大获益。
在全球III期ALEX研究 和在日本患者中进行的III期J-ALEX试验 中,高选择性CNS活性ALK抑制剂艾乐替尼证明了在ALK阳性NSCLC的一线治疗中相对于克唑替尼(crizotinib)的优效性。艾乐替尼已在美国和欧洲获得批准,并且最近在中国获得了优先批准。在2018年ESMO大会上,Zhou等人报告了III期ALESIA研究的主要结果,该研究使用全球批准的艾乐替尼剂量在晚期ALK阳性NSCLC的亚洲患者中评估了一线艾乐替尼与克唑替尼的比较。
初期の局所進行(Ⅰ~ⅢA期)非小細胞肺がん(NSCLC)患者には通常、手術を行うことが多いが、長期転帰には不満が残る。手術だけを行った場合の再発率はかなり高く、50%を超えている。再発防止策として周術期化学療法を行ったとしても、手術単独に比べて5年生存率がわずか5%改善するだけである 。そのため、腫瘍作用を強化し、微小転移巣を根絶するのを目標に、抗PD-L1抗体薬を用いるネオアジュバント療法を評価することになった。
ⅢA~N2期のNSCLC患者に現在行っている集学的治療には、根治的化学放射線療法、手術とアジュバント化学療法、ネオアジュバント療法と手術がある。EGFRチロシンキナーゼ阻害薬(TKI)であるエルロチニブを、 ⅢA~N2期のNSCLCへのファーストラインのネオアジュバント療法として使用できることはすでに示されている。そこで、EGFR遺伝子変異陽性の局所進行NSCLC患者を対象にした非盲検ランダム化試験の第Ⅱ相CTONG-1103試験で、エルロチニブをシスプラチンベースのネオアジュバント化学療法・アジュバント化学療法と比較した。
インタビュー:EGFR TKI療法の順番を重視するいくつかの理由
FLAURA試験の成績が報告されて以来、EGFR遺伝子変異陽性NSCLC患者へのファーストライン治療にどのEGFR TKIを選択するかで議論が起きています。どういった点がこの試験の限界だと、今はお考えになりますか? ゲフィチニブとエルロチニブに比べてオシメルチニブには生存期間などへの効果があることが、この試験で示されています。しかし、対照群にアファチニブを含めなかったことで、得られるはずだった知見を得ることができなくなりました。
All video interviews from ESMO 2018
Sanjay Popat talks about modern chemotherapeutic treatment options for patients with squamous NSCLC, the benefits of combining immunotherapies with chemotherapy and the use of liquid biopsy for metastatic NSCLC in clinical practice today.
Luis Paz-Ares explains new principles of treatment using bifunctional fusion proteins, their advantages compared to the existing therapies and preliminary results in NSCLC patients.
Approximately 25,000 participants including experts from various oncology disciplines, healthcare policy makers, and patient advocates convened from all over the world to discuss innovations and the major challenge of turning new insights into actual improvements in cancer patient care. Various obstacles of structural and financial nature still tend to impede this process in many countries, and joint efforts need to be put into the task of overcoming them.
ESMO 2017 – Madrid
Lecture Board: David R. Gandara, MD; Nicolas Girard, MD, PhD; Maximilian Hochmair, MD; Silvia Novello, MD, PhD; Michael Thomas, MD; Gérard Zalcman, MD
Medical Writer: Dr. Judith Moser
Preface – ESMO 2017
Remarkable data in the field of lung cancer with potentially practice-changing impact have been presented at this year’s ESMO Congress that took place in Madrid, Spain, from 8th to 12th September, 2017. Immunotherapeutic approaches again constituted a major topic, as clinical researchers are tirelessly exploring the multitude of conditions and limitations determining the optimal use of these drugs.
Immunotherapy: once more at the cutting edge of progress
Approximately one third of patients with non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) presents with stage III, locally advanced disease. For those with good performance status and unresectable tumours, the standard of care is platinum-based doublet chemotherapy with concurrent radiotherapy. As no major advances have occurred in this setting over several years, there is a significant unmet need for novel therapeutic approaches to boost survival.
Immunostimulation as a promising approach in SCLC
There is a high unmet medical need regarding extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) that shows poor outcomes with median OS of 9 to 11 months. First-line chemotherapy usually evokes marked responses, but responders typically experience only limited periods of disease control. Based on the hypothesis that activation of the immune system might prolong disease stability in these patients, thus ultimately affecting their survival, Thomas et al. assessed the activity of the toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) agonist lefitolimod.
Randomised findings on CT-based follow-up after resection of early NSCLC
Regarding the optimal follow-up after surgery for early-stage NSCLC, the ESMO guidelines recommend patient surveillance every six months for 2-3 years with visits including history, physical examination and preferably contrast-enhanced spiral chest CT at 12 and 24 months. Thereafter, annual visits including history, physical examination and chest CT should be performed to detect second primary tumours (SPCs).
EGFR-mutant lung cancer: sequencing as a major topic in light of new data
The first-generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR TKIs) erlotinib and gefitinib as well as the second-generation EGFR TKI afatinib are the recommended first-line options for patients with EGFR-mutant NSCLC. Regardless of the extent of initial response, however, more than 60 % of patients develop the T790M resistance mutation.
Interview: “Survival is the result of multiple treatment lines”
FLAURA is a positive trial, as its results favour osimertinib over gefitinib and erlotinib. Now we have to consider this among the multiple options that are available for the first-line treatment of EGFR-mutant lung cancer. Besides osimertinib, there are the first-generation TKIs erlotinib and gefitinib and the second-generation TKI afatinib, but maybe sometime soon also dacomitinib, for which data were presented at the last ASCO Meeting.
Reaching unprecedented outcome dimensions in malignant mesothelioma
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare but aggressive cancer with poor prognosis. While combination chemotherapy with platinum and pemetrexed with or without bevacizumab is a standard in first-line treatment, no approved second-line strategies have been established to date. Gemcitabine or vinorelbine are often used in this situation, but these only show limited activity.
Characteristics and outcomes for SCLC arising from transformation
A low but significant proportion of EGFR-mutant adenocarcinomas transforms to SCLC at the time of acquisition of resistance to EGFR TKI therapy. Moreover, cases of de novo SCLC harbouring EGFR mutations have been reported. As the clinical characteristics and clinical course of SCLC-transformed EGFR-mutant lung cancer are largely unknown, Marcoux et al. retrospectively reviewed the records of 16 patients with EGFR-mutant SCLC treated between 2006 and 2017.
ALK-positive NSCLC: updates on crizotinib and alectinib
PROFILE 1014 was the first study to define the role of the ALK inhibitor crizotinib in the first-line treatment of patients with ALK-positive lung cancer. It compared crizotinib 250 mg twice daily (n = 172) with pemetrexed plus cisplatin (n = 171) in patients with ALK-positive, locally advanced, recurrent or metastatic non-squamous NSCLC in the first-line setting.
Rare driver mutations: BRAF- and HER2-mutant NSCLC
BRAF driver mutations in NSCLC are rare at 2 %, but tumours with BRAFV600E mutations have histological features suggestive of aggressive biology. When treated with platinum-based chemotherapy, these patients showed less favourable outcomes. The multi-cohort, non-randomised, phase II BRF113928 study investigated a targeted approach using the BRAF inhibitor dabrafenib and the MEK inhibitor trametinib in patients with advanced BRAFV600E-mutated NSCLC.
2018年6月28日和29日,面向肿瘤内科医师的Lung Cancer International Preceptorship在中国上海召开。场地提供方为同济大学附属上海市肺科医院。在这两天的时间里,我们举办了讲座和研讨会,旨在提高与会者对中国以及国际肺癌管理的了解。参加指导会议的24名代表中,绝大多数在中国医院工作。会议主题范围涵盖了肺部恶性肿瘤的筛查、诊断和病理学以及各种类型的治疗。会议最后环节为参观上海市肺科医院。
关于广泛性疾病小细胞肺癌(SCLC)存在较高的未获满足医疗需求,该疾病显示出较差的结果,中位OS为9-11个月。一线化疗通常引起明显反应,而反应者通常仅经历有限的疾病控制期。 基于激活免疫系统可延长这些患者的病情稳定性,从而最终影响其生存期的假设,Thomas等人评估了toll样受体9(TLR9)激动剂lefitolimod的活性。lefitolimod利用在化疗过程中降低的肿瘤负荷和释放的肿瘤抗原通过多种途径来广泛增强先天和获得性免疫系统而进行免疫监视。
关于早期NSCLC术后的最佳随访,ESMO指南建议每六个月进行患者监控,持续2-3年,门诊包括病史和身体检查,优选在第12和24个月进行对比度增强螺旋胸部CT。此后,应进行包括病史、身体检查和胸部CT在内的年度门诊,以检测第二原发肿瘤(SPC)。然而,这些建议并不基于随机试验,因此仅具有低至中等水平的证据。 多中心III期IFCT-0302试验是关于NSCLC术后随访的首个大型随机化研究,也是评估胸部CT作用的首个随机化试验。
第一代表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(EGFR TKI)厄洛替尼和吉非替尼以及第二代EGFR TKI阿法替尼(afatinib)是EGFR突变NSCLC患者的推荐一线选择。然而,无论初始反应程度如何,超过60 %的患者产生T790M耐药突变。对于激活EGFR突变和EGFR T790M耐药突变都具有选择性的第三代EGFR TKI奥希替尼最近在美国和欧洲被批准用于治疗晚期T790M阳性NSCLC患者。在两个关键的II期AURA延伸和AURA2研究中,T790M阳性NSCLC患者在先前EGFR TKI治疗发生疾病进展后就ORR和PFS而言获益于奥希替尼治疗。
FLAURA是阳性试验,因为其结果表明奥希替尼优于吉非替尼和厄洛替尼。现在我们必须考虑将其纳入可用于EGFR突变肺癌一线治疗的多重选择中。除了奥希替尼之外,还有第一代TKI厄洛替尼和吉非替尼以及第二代TKI阿法替尼,但或许不久之后还可能有达克米替尼(dacomitinib),这些数据在最近一期ASCO会议上已有介绍。 在开始治疗EGFR突变肺癌患者之前,有必要考虑总体顺序。
恶性胸膜间皮瘤(MPM)是一种罕见、侵袭性且预后不良的癌症。虽然使用铂类和培美曲塞化疗联合或不联合贝伐单抗(bevacizumab)是一线治疗标准,但迄今为止尚未确定批准的二线策略。吉西他滨(gemcitabine)或长春瑞滨(vinorelbine)常常用于这种情况,但它们仅显示出有限的活性。 然而,在MPM患者中评估免疫疗法有理有据。这些肿瘤的炎症表型暗示了T细胞的参与,并且MPM细胞在相当大比例的病例中表达PD-L1。此外,PD-L1表达与MPM的更差预后相关。
在获得对EGFR TKI疗法的耐药性时,少量但显著比例的EGFR突变腺癌转化为SCLC [1]。此外,报道存在自始携带EGFR突变的SCLC病例 [2]。由于SCLC转化EGFR突变肺癌的临床特征和临床进程在很大程度上尚不可知,Marcoux等人回顾性分析了2006年至2017年间16名EGFR突变SCLC患者的记录[3]。根据这一分析,肿瘤维持其初始EGFR突变,并与T790M相互排斥。这也适用于之前呈T790M阳性的病例。与自始SCLC相同,EGFR突变SCLC转化的肿瘤通常携带TP53、RB1和PIK3CA突变。
PROFILE 1014是用以确定ALK抑制剂克唑替尼在ALK阳性肺癌患者一线治疗中作用的首个研究。其在一线环境下,在ALK阳性局部晚期复发或转移性非鳞状NSCLC患者中比较了每日两次250 mg克唑替尼(n = 172)与培美曲塞加顺铂(n = 171)。达到主要疗效终点(即克唑替尼相比化疗在PFS方面的优势),并且HR值为0.454(克唑替尼与化疗的中位PFS分别为10.9个月与7.0个月;p
BRAF驱动突变在NSCLC中十分罕见,仅占2 % [1, 2],但具有BRAFV600E突变的肿瘤具有暗示侵袭性生物学的组织学特征[3]。当采用铂类化疗进行治疗时,这些患者表现出较为不利的结果[3, 4]。 多队列非随机化II期BRF113928研究使用BRAF抑制剂达拉菲尼和MEK抑制剂曲美替尼在晚期BRAFV600E突变NSCLC患者中探究了靶向方法。该试验包括达拉菲尼单药治疗组(队列A)以及接受每日两次150 mg达拉菲尼加每日一次2 mg曲美替尼的两个联合组(队列B和队列C)。
2017年9月8日~12日にスペイン・マドリードで開催された今年のESMO学会で、治療法を変える可能性のある肺癌分野での注目に値するデータが発表された。臨床研究者は免疫治療薬の最適使用量を決定する多数の条件と制限を休むことなく調査しているため、免疫治療薬アプローチが再び大きな話題となった。 本号のメモ イン・オンコロジーでは、PD-L1の発現に関わらずPD-L1阻害薬アテゾリズマブの活性を確認し、患者の血液中の腫瘍変異負荷量の評価が実現可能で、治療の利点と相関することを示したOAKとPOPLARの臨床試験の分析を詳しく説明する。
免疫療法: 進歩の最先端でもう一度
9~11ヶ月のOS中央値の悪い転帰を示す進展型小細胞肺癌(SCLC)に関して満たされない高い医学的ニーズがある。第一選択化学療法では一般的に際立った奏効を示すが、奏効者は通常、限られた期間の疾患制御のみを経験する。 免疫系の活性化によってこれらの患者の疾患安定性を延長し、結果として最終的に生存期間に影響を及ぼすという仮定に基づいて、Thomas等はToll様受容体9(TLR9)作動薬Lefitolimodの活性を評価した。
第一世代上皮成長因子受容体チロシンキナーゼ阻害剤(EGFR TKI)エルロチニブおよびゲフィチニブのほか、第二世代EGFR TKIアファチニブも、EGFR-変異NSCLC患者の推奨第一選択肢である[1]。しかし、初期奏効の程度に関わらず、患者の60%以上はT790M耐性変異を発症した[2]。EGFR変異とEGFR T790M耐性変異の両方の活性化に対して選択性がある第三世代EGFR TKIオシメルチニブが、進行T790M-陽性NSCLC患者の治療のために米国と欧州で最近承認を受けた。
悪性胸膜中皮腫(MPM)は希ですが、予後不良の侵襲性の強い癌です。ベバシズマブの有無にかかわらず、プラチナおよびペメトレキセドとの併用化学療法が第一選択治療での標準である一方、今まで承認された第二選択法は確立されなかった[1]。この状況ではゲムシタビンまたはビノレルビンが使用されることが多いが、これらは限られた活性だけを示す[2]。 しかし、MPM患者での免疫療法の評価には強い論理的根拠がある。
GFR TKI療法に対する耐性の取得時にEGFR-変異腺癌の少ないが有意な割合がSCLCに形質転換する[1]。さらに、EGFR 変異を隠すデノボ SCLCの例が報告されている[2]。SCLC-形質転換EGFR-変異肺癌の臨床的特徴と臨床経過はほとんど不明であるため、Marcoux等は2006年~2017年に治療を受けたEGFR-変異SCLC患者16人の記録を遡及的に再検討した[3]。この分析によると、腫瘍はその創始者EGFR変異を維持し、T790M.とは相互排他的であった。
PROFILE 1014は、ALK-陽性肺癌患者の第一選択治療でのALK阻害剤クリゾチニブの役割を定義するための最初の研究であった。この研究は、第一選択治療の条件下におけるALK-陽性、局所進行、再発または転移非扁平上皮NSCLC患者への1日2回、250mgのクリゾチニブ(n = 172)と、ペメトレキセドに加えてシスプラチン(n = 171)から構成された。有効性の主要評価項目(すなわち、PFSに関してクリゾチニブ対化学療法の優位性)を0.454のHRで満たした(PFS中央値、クリゾチニブと化学療法に関してそれぞれ、10.9ヶ月対7.0ヶ月; p
NSCLCでのBRAFドライバー変異は2%で希であるが[1、2]、BRAFV600E変異による腫瘍には態を示唆する組織学的特徴を有する[3]。プラチナベースの化学療法で治療した場合、これらの患者は良好な転帰をあまり示さなかった[3、4]。 BRF113928マルチコホート非無作為化フェーズII試験では、進行BRAFV600E-変異NSCLC患者で、BRAF阻害剤ダブラフェニブとMEK阻害剤トラメチニブを用いて標的方法を調査した。
All video interviews from ESMO 2017
Hossein Borghaei discusses the latest immunotherapeutic treatment options to emerge for lung cancer at the 2017 ESMO congress.
Nicolas Girard on the sequencing of targeted agents against EGFR positive NSCLC, and further considerations for treatment of the disease including side effects and possible combination therapies.
Lecia Sequist on how best to treat oncogene-driven oligometastatic lung cancer, given progression through multiple lines of treatment.
Filippo de Marinis on the latest data from the OAK trial studying the PD-L1 antibody atezolizumab that was presented at the 2017 ESMO congress, including efficacy within particular patient subgroups, and tolerability.
In the area of targeted therapies, the debate on sequencing of drugs is gaining momentum, as head-to-head comparisons have shown superiority of potent later-generation drugs over established first-line compounds. This is true for the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor osimertinib, which outperformed gefitinib and erlotinib in EGFR-mutant lung cancer, as well as for the ALK inhibitor alectinib that gave rise to improvements in progression-free survival and central nervous system outcomes when compared to crizotinib in the ALK-positive setting.
ESMO 2016 – Copenhagen
Lecture Board: Maximilian Hochmair, MD; Anders Mellemgaard, MD, PhD; Silvia Novello, MD
Medical Writer: Dr. Judith Moser
Preface – ESMO 2016
According to an estimate by the World Health Organization, 1.37 million people worldwide die of lung cancer every year. Both incidence and lung-cancer–related mortality are substantial: to date, primary lung cancer remains the most common malignancy after nonmelanocytic skin cancer, and the global numbers of patients dying from it exceed those linked to any other malignancy.
Immune checkpoint inhibition: the picture is slowly completing itself
The anti–PD-1 antibody pembrolizumab has been approved for treatment of patients with PD-L1–expressing, advanced NSCLC. The KEYNOTE-024 study focused on the first-line comparison of pembrolizumab with platinum-doublet chemotherapy. Chemotherapy regimens comprised five options, two of which (pemetrexed plus carboplatin; pemetrexed plus cisplatin) were used with non-squamous non-small–cell lung cancer (NSCLC) only.
Next-generation ALK inhibitors excel after crizotinib failure
ALK fusion-gene–positive lung cancer occurs in approximately 5 % of patients with advanced NSCLC [1]. The ALK inhibitor crizotinib demonstrates significant initial efficacy in patients with ALK-positive advanced NSCLC. However, most patients eventually develop resistance, with the central nervous system (CNS) being one of the most common sites of first progression.
Targeting angiogenesis can prolong life
How important is anti-angiogenesis in the treatment concept of lung cancer?
EGFR-targeted therapy: at the right time in the right patient
Approximately 11 % of Caucasian patients with NSCLC have tumours that harbour EGFR mutations, which occur in exons 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the EGFR gene. Common mutations include exon 19 in-frame deletions and the exon 21 Leu858Arg point mutation (L858R). Exon 20 insertions are known to mediate resistance [3]. Little data are available for the other more uncommon mutations.
Rare driver mutations: encouraging results in small patient populations
As well as ALK fusion mutations and EGFR mutations, studies of the genetic profiles of patients with NSCLC have identified other mutations that might be used for additional targeted therapies. Among these, ROS1 and RET rearrangements both occur in 1 % to 2 % of patients with NSCLC. Crizotinib is known to target not only ALK, but also ROS1, among others. Patients with ROS1-positive advanced NSCLC are being treated with crizotinib 250 mg twice daily in the ongoing phase I, open-label, PROFILE 1001 study.
SCLC: genomic alterations pave the way to targeted approaches
Rapid growth and early development of metastatic disease are characteristic of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), which constitutes approximately 15 % of all lung cancer cases. In limited-stage disease, a cure is possible with chemoradiotherapy. However, 68 % of patients present with extensive-stage SCLC (ES-SCLC). Although high initial responses to platinum-based chemotherapy and radiotherapy are observed, recurrence of chemo-refractory disease takes place as a rule.
No phase III benefit with selumetinib in KRAS-mutant NSCLC
Oncogenic mutations of KRAS define the largest genomic subset of NSCLC (Figure). This patient group appears to derive less clinical benefit from chemotherapy than the overall NSCLC population. There are currently no targeted treatments specifically for patients with KRAS-mutant tumours of the lung.
Según los cálculos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, cada año fallecen en el mundo 1,37 millones de personas por cáncer de pulmón. Tanto la incidencia como la mortalidad debida al cáncer de pulmón son importantes: hasta la fecha, el cáncer de pulmón primario sigue siendo la neoplasia maligna más frecuente después del cáncer de piel no melanocítico y la cifra total de pacientes fallecidos por su causa supera la debidos a cualquier otra neoplasia maligna.
Mutaciones inductoras poco frecuentes: resultados alentadores en pequeñas poblaciones de pacientes
Además de mutaciones de fusión de ALK y mutaciones de EGFR, los estudios de los perfiles genéticos de pacientes con CPNM han identificado otras mutaciones que se podrían utilizar para otros tratamientos dirigidos. Entre ellas, los reordenamientos ROS1 y RET ocurren en el 1 % a 2 % de los pacientes con CPNM. Se sabe que crizotinib no solo va dirigido a ALK, sino también a ROS1, entre otros.
CPM: las alteraciones genómicas preparan el terreno para las estrategias dirigidas
El crecimiento rápido y la aparición precoz de enfermedad metastásica son características del cáncer de pulmón microcítico (CPM), que constituye aproximadamente el 15 % de todos los casos de cáncer de pulmón. En la enfermedad en un estadio limitado es posible la curación mediante quimiorradioterapia.
Ausencia de efecto beneficioso en fase III con selumetinib en CPNM con mutación KRAS
Por tanto, en el estudio en fase III SELECT-1 se estudió selumetinib 75 mg dos veces al día más docetaxel en comparación con placebo más docetaxel en pacientes con CPNM avanzado con mutación KRAS (estadio IIIB-IV) después del fracaso del tratamiento de primera línea. La SSP según la valoración del investigador se definió como el criterio de valoración principal. En total, se aleatorizó a 510 pacientes.
Tratamiento dirigido al EGFR: en el momento adecuado en el paciente adecuado
Tratamiento dirigido al EGFR: en el momento adecuado en el paciente adecuado Cerca del 11 % de los pacientes de raza blanca con CPNM tienen tumores con mutaciones de EGFR [1], que se producen en los exones 18, 19, 20 y 21 del gen EGFR. …
...„La actuación sobre la angiogénesis puede prolongar la vida“
¿Hasta qué punto es importante la antiangiogénesis en el concepto de tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón?
Los inhibidores de ALK de la siguiente generación destacan después del fracaso de crizotinib
Se observa cáncer de pulmón con gen de fusión ALK-positivo en un 5 % de los pacientes con CPNM avanzado. El inhibidor de ALK crizotinib tiene una eficacia inicial significativa en pacientes con CPNM avanzado ALK-positivo. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los pacientes presentan finalmente resistencia, y el sistema nervioso central (SNC) es uno de los lugares más frecuentes de la primera progresión.
Inhibición del punto de control inmunológico: el cuadro se está completando lentamente
El anticuerpo anti-PD-1 pembrolizumab se ha aprobado para el tratamiento de pacientes con CPNM avanzado que expresa PD-L1. El estudio KEYNOTE-024 se centró en la comparación como primera línea de pembrolizumab con la quimioterapia doble con platino. Las pautas de quimioterapia comprendían cinco opciones, dos de las cuales (pemetrexed más carboplatino; pemetrexed más cisplatino) se utilizaron exclusivamente en el cáncer de pulmón no microcítico (CPNM) no epidermoide.
据世界卫生组织估计,世界各地每年有 137 万人死于肺癌。发病率和肺癌相关死亡率都十分巨大:到目前为止,原发性肺癌仍然是继非黑素细胞性皮肤癌之后最常见的恶性肿瘤,并且全球因其而致死的患者数量超过与任何其它恶性肿瘤相关的人数。 然而,过去几年的深刻变化已形成有关肺癌的令人瞩目的发展。一方面,在全球范围内可以观察到关于组织学的变化。在过去二十年中,小细胞肺癌患者所占比例在许多国家不断下降。非小细胞肺癌在同一时期经历了其主要亚型的相对重要性的转变。在美国,鳞状细胞癌减少,而腺癌在男性和女性中均有所增加。
抗 PD-1 抗体派姆单抗(pembrolizumab)已被批准用于治疗PD-L1 表达晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者。KEYNOTE-024 研究的重点集中在派姆单抗与铂类双药化疗的一线比较[1]。化疗方案包括 5种选择,其中两种(培美曲塞(pemetrexed)联合卡铂(carboplatin );培美曲塞联合顺铂(cisplatin))仅用于非鳞状 NSCLC。总共 305 名患者在 16 个国家的 142 个地点随机分组。该人群在 PD-L1 表达方面富集,因为一个关键的资格标准是 PD-L1 肿瘤比例得分(TPS)≥ 50 %(即,在至少 50 %的肿瘤细胞上存在 PD-L1 表达)。
克唑替尼(crizotinib)失效后,新一代 ALK 抑制剂表现优异
ALK 融合基因阳性肺癌在晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者中的发生率达5 % [1]。ALK 抑制剂克唑替尼在 ALK阳性晚期 NSCLC 患者身上显示出显著的初始疗效。 然而,大多数患者最终产生耐药性,其中中枢神经系统(CNS)是最常见的首先进展部位之一。这些患者中大约有一半人在克唑替尼治疗期间发展成 CNS 转移。新一代 ALK 抑制剂代表了在使用克唑替尼时发生疾病进展的患者的有效选择。
血管生成是非常重要的癌症进展驱动因素。一些癌症特别依赖于新血管系统的发育才能够生长和转移,因此靶向抑制血管系统是非常有用的。已经有贝伐单抗(bevacizumab)等主要用于一线治疗的抗血管生成化合物可供使用,而现在我们还拥有了与化疗一起应用从而提高疗效的二线药物。当向多西他赛等常用化疗剂添加抗VEGFR-2 抗体雷莫卢单抗(ramuciru- mab)和三重血管激酶抑制剂尼达尼布(nintedanib)时,它们确实可以提高总生存率(OS)。
EGFR 靶向疗法:在正确的时间使用在正确的患者身上
大约 11 % 的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)白种人患者具有携带EGFR 突变的肿瘤,该突变发生于EGFR 基因的外显子 18、19、20 和 21中。常见的突变包括外显子 19 框内缺失和外显子 21 Leu858Arg 点突变(L858R)。已知外显子 20 插入会介导耐药性[3]。对于其它更罕见的突变,可用数据很少。 激活的 EGFR 突变使肺肿瘤对EGFR 酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)疗法敏感。不可逆 ErbB 家族阻断剂阿法替尼(afatinib)以及可逆 EGFR TKI吉非替尼(gef itini b)和埃洛替尼(erlotinib)已被批准用于晚期 EGFR突变阳性 NSCLC 患者的一线治疗。
除了 ALK 融合突变和 EGFR 突变,对NSCLC 患者遗传谱的研究已经确定了其它可能用于额外靶向治疗的突变。其中,ROS1 和 RET 重排均发生在1 %到 2 %的 NSCLC 患者身上。 克唑替尼(crizotinib)已知不仅靶向ALK,还尤其靶向 ROS1。在进行中的 I 期开放标签 PROFILE 1001 研究中,ROS1 阳性晚期 NSCLC 患者接受 每日两次 250 mg 克唑替尼治疗。初步结果证实,以 ROS1 为靶标是 ROS1重排 NSCLC 中可行的策略 。
转移性疾病的快速生长和早期发展是小细胞肺癌(SCLC)的特征,而小细胞肺癌占到所有肺癌病例的大约15 %。局限期疾病有可能通过放化疗获得治愈。然而,68 %的患者存在广泛期 SCLC(ES-SCLC)。虽然观察到对铂基化疗和放疗的高初始反应,但通常会发生化疗难治性疾病复发。 目前,缺乏对复发性 SCLC 的有效疗法是肺癌患者治疗中未得到解决的最大需求之一。
在 KRAS 突变 NSCLC 中使用司美替尼(selumetinib)未取得III 期获益
KRAS 的致癌突变界定了 NSCLC 中最大的基因组亚型(图)。该患者群组从化疗得到的临床获益似乎低于总体NSCLC 人群。目前没有针对 KRAS 突变肺肿瘤患者的特异性靶向治疗。然而,KRAS 突变与收敛于 MEK1/2 的RAS/RAF/ MEK/ERK 通路的激活相关,使得 NSCLC 中的 KRAS 突变成为口服 MEK1/2 抑制剂司美替尼的潜在标靶。实际上,在 II 期试验中,与安慰剂加多西他赛(docetaxel)相比,司美替尼与多西他赛组合使用显示出令人鼓舞的活性,显著提高了PFS 和 ORR。
All video interviews from ESMO 2016
Enriqueta Felip on the treatment of RET- and ROS1-rearrangement positive lung cancer.
Martin Reck discusses the management of immunotherapy related adverse events.
Pasi A. Jänne talks chemotherapy, biomarkers, and molecular targeted therapies.
Anders Mellemgaard on anti-angiogenesis treatments
Of course, from a clinician’s point of view, therapeutic innovation is the more spectacular part of lung-cancer–related changes. Novel approaches address targets that are not confined to the tumour cell, which had been at the centre of treatment considerations for a long time.